Mid City Church is an independent, Pentecostal church, seeking revival, burdened with the state of the nation and wary of doctrinal deception in the Body of Christ. We place emphasis on providing scripture, to validate our teaching, so we don't stumble inadvertently into deception.
We recognise that the pre-eminence and effectiveness of the Church has been severely undermined by wrongly interpreted scripture, counterfeit "Moves of God", and Church leadership falling into sexual immorality. Because of this, the body of Christ's ability to successfully oppose the principalities and powers that influence the governing of our nation, has been entirely usurped.
We believe that many of the once noble, long established, traditional denominations, have since been incrementally corrupted, now evident by the various secular/liberal (anti-biblical) beliefs they now consider gospel. These once great lights of Christianity have since become indisputably apostate. We are persuaded that the time is fast approaching where genuine bible-conscience Christians will have to come out from among their now deceived churches, to be grafted by God, into one of the few congregations that haven’t abandoned the certainty and safety of biblically based doctrine, by injudiciously adopting secular ideology, that appeases people, yet displeases God.
We recognise that the pre-eminence and effectiveness of the Church has been severely undermined by wrongly interpreted scripture, counterfeit "Moves of God", and Church leadership falling into sexual immorality. Because of this, the body of Christ's ability to successfully oppose the principalities and powers that influence the governing of our nation, has been entirely usurped.
We believe that many of the once noble, long established, traditional denominations, have since been incrementally corrupted, now evident by the various secular/liberal (anti-biblical) beliefs they now consider gospel. These once great lights of Christianity have since become indisputably apostate. We are persuaded that the time is fast approaching where genuine bible-conscience Christians will have to come out from among their now deceived churches, to be grafted by God, into one of the few congregations that haven’t abandoned the certainty and safety of biblically based doctrine, by injudiciously adopting secular ideology, that appeases people, yet displeases God.